Length of paper should not exceed 3 pages (including figures and references), prepared in Microsoft Word (file type .doc), page size А4, book orientation.

Name all files in English, e.g. Dubnytska_paper, Dubnytska_payment. Files should not be archived. The maximum paper file size is 5 МБ.

  • Fields: top, bottom, right and left – 20 mm.
  • Font – Times New Roman, size – 12 pt.
  • Line spacing – 1.0.
  • Information about the author (s) (right-aligned): full name (capital letters, bold), degree, academic title (for persons who have it), position, place of work or study, city, ORCID (italic font).
  • Report name – capital letters, bold, center-aligned.
  • Main text – normal font, width alignment, paragraph indent – 1.25. Unit names – bold italic font. References – by text in square brackets.
  • Author(s) should follow the style in paper template when referencing.
  • All formulas must be typed in the formula editors Equation or MathType and be editable.
  • Diagrams and tables are presented in the text as bitmaps (figures), placed in the middle. The table numbers put above the tables, using normal font, right-aligned (e.g. Table 1). After the number put the name of the table, bold, center alignment.
  • Names and numbers of the figures are indicated in bold below the figures (e.g. Fig. 1. Name). The drawings should be arranged as a single object.

It is recommended to divide the paper into sections below:

–         Introduction;

–         Purpose;

–         Methods;

–         Results;

–         References.


Abstracts are published in the author’s edition. The authors are responsible for the content of the submitted materials, the accuracy of the given facts, references, spelling of proper names so on.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the stated requirements.

Sincerely, Organizing Committee

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