Шульц Роман Володимирович
2014/11–2019/11 / Dean of the School of GIS and Land Management, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture, Ukraine
2012/12-2015/04, 2016/04-2019/04 / Chair of the Scientific Commission of Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine “Surveying Engineering and Land Management”.
2007/06-2014/10 / Vice-Dean of the School of GIS and Land Management, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture, Ukraine
Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture (since 2003):
Taught the following courses for students of Geodesy and Land Management major
- Introduction to Major Surveying and Land Management (BS)
- GIS for Land Management (MSc)
- Remote Sensing (MSc)
- GIS and Data Bases (BS)
- Applied Geodesy (MSc and BS)
- UAV Surveying (MSc)
- Statistical Methods in Geodesy (BS)
- Close-Range Photogrammetry (MSc)
- Adjustment Calculus (BS)
Taught the following course for students of Architecture major (Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture):
- Architectural Photogrammetry (BS)
Taught the courses for students of Civil Engineering major (Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture):
- Surveying Engineering (BS)
- Research and application of remote sensing, UAS, close-range photogrammetry, and terrestrial laser scanning (BIM, remote sensing monitoring, using photogrammetry for solving problems of engineering geodesy; low-cost photogrammetry; unmanned aerial vehicles photogrammetry).
- GIS and remote sensing for solving problems of town-planning and spatial management, GIS analysis, and assessment of the construction impact on the environment.
- GIS and remote sensing educational and outreach activity (promotion of cooperation and knowledge exchange between ISPRS and educational civil engineering institutions; development of educational programs on applying photogrammetry, remote sensing and GIS for solving problems of town-planning and spatial territorial management; teaching innovative photogrammetry and remote sensing technologies for getting learning skills in the assessment of the environmental impact of construction; teaching innovative photogrammetry and remote sensing technologies for structure inventory and certification).
- Geospatial monitoring of engineering structures (mathematical modeling of spatial deformation structures; study of structures temperature deformation; study of the Earth’s crustal vertical movements using GNSS, space and ground-based InSAR).
- Theory of mathematical processing of geospatial measurements (using of sequential analysis for the calculation and assessment of the accuracy of geospatial measurements; using of variance and correlation analysis to evaluate the quality of geospatial measurements; applying the theory of random functions in geospatial analysis).
- Geodetic support of civil engineering and assembling works (dimensional chains theory for the calculation of geodetic measurements precision; geodetic works accuracy calculation under different construction conditions; development of geodetic support technologies; geodetic control of high-rise buildings; development of technology for geodetic networks creation for different purposes).
Dr. of Technical Sciences (Ph.D. plus) (2012) “Surveying Engineering, Photogrammetry and Cartography”, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine “Theory and Practice of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Applied Geodesy Tasks”
Ph. D (2006) “Surveying Engineering/Geodesy”, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine “Geodetic Support of Mobile Mapping System”
MSc (2002) “Surveying Engineering” cum laude, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine “Preliminary Accuracy Research of Mobile Mapping System”
BS (2001) “Surveying Engineering, Cartography and Land Management” cum laude, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering (Construction) and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
Досягнення за останні 5 років
Публікації у періодичних наукових виданнях, що включені до переліку фахових видань України, до наукометричних баз, зокрема Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection
- Roman Shults, Andriy Annenkov, Gulnur Seitkazina, Saule Soltabayeva, Zhenis Kozhayev, Andrii Khailak, Kira Nikitenko, Bohdan Sossa, Nataliia Kulichenko. Analysis of the displacements of pipeline overpasses based on geodetic monitoring results. Geodesy and Geodynamics, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2022, PР. 50-71 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2021.09.005 (SCOPUS, Q2)
- Shults, R.; Ormambekova, A.; Medvedskij, Y.; Annenkov, A. GNSS-Assisted Low-Cost Vision-Based Observation System for Deformation Monitoring. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 2813. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13052813 (SCOPUS, Q2)
- Shults, R., Annenkov, A. BIM and UAV photogrammetry for spatial structures sustainability inventory. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS, 2023, 48(5/W2-2023), Р. 99–104. (SCOPUS, Q2). https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-5-W2-2023-99-2023
- Impact of Landscape Factors on Automobile Road Deformation Patterns—A Case Study of the Almaty Mountain Road Kairanbayeva, A., Nurpeissova, G., Zhantayev, Z., …Kiyalbay, S., Panyukov, K. Sustainability (Switzerland)this link is disabled, 2022, 14(22), 1546
- STRATEGIES OF GNSS PROCESSING AND MEASURING UNDER VARIOUS OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS | Orynbassarova, E., Yerzhankyzy, A., Shults, R., Roberts, K., Togaibekov, A. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetuthis link is disabled, 2022, (3), страницы 146–150
- Shults R. (2020) The Models of Structural Mechanics for Geodetic Accuracy Assignment: A Case Study of the Finite Element Method. In: Kopáčik A., Kyrinovič P., Erdélyi J., Paar R., Marendić A. (eds) Contributions to International Conferences on Engineering Surveying. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51953-7_16
- Nurpeissova, M., Bitimbayev, M.Zh., Rysbekov, К.В., Derbisov, K., Тurumbetov, Т., Shults, R. (2020) Geodetic substantiation of the saryarka copper ore region. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. Volume 6, Number 444, 194 – 202, https://doi.org/10.32014/2020.2518-170X.147
- Levin, E., Shults, R., Habibi, R., An, Z., Roland, W. (2020) Geospatial Virtual Reality for Cyberlearning in the Field of Topographic Surveying: Moving Towards a Cost-Effective Mobile Solution. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 9(7), 433; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9070433
- Levin, E., Roland, W., Habibi, R., An, Z., Shults, R. (2020) Rapid visual presentation to support geospatial big data processing. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B4-2020, 463–470, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIII-B4-2020-463-2020
- Shults, R., Soltabayeva, S., Seitkazina, G., Nukarbekova, Z., Kucherenko, O. (2020) Geospatial Monitoring and Structural Mechanics Models: A Case Study of Sports Structures, 11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”, pp. 1-9, https://doi.org/10.3846/enviro.2020.685
- Shults R., Kassymkanova, K.-K., Burlibayeva, S., Skopinova, D., Demianenko, R., Medvedskyi, Y. (2020) UAV Monitoring of Excavation Works, 11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”, pp. 1-6, https://doi.org/10.3846/enviro.2020.696
- Shults R., Urazaliev, A., Annenkov, A., Nesterenko, O., Kucherenko, O., Kim, K. (2020) Different Approaches to Coordinate Transformation Parameters Determination of Nonhomogeneous Coordinate Systems, 11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”, pp. 1-7, https://doi.org/10.3846/enviro.2020.687
Статті у збірниках праць за матеріалами конференцій
- Shults, A. Urazaliev, A. Annenkov, O. Nesterenko, O. Kucherenko, K. Kim Different Approaches to Coordinate Transformation Parameters Determination of Nonhomogeneous Coordinate Systems. 11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 21–22 May 2020. Р. 1-7. https://doi.org/10.3846/enviro.2020.687
THE FEATURES OF SPORTS COMPLEX ‘SUNKAR’ MONITORING BY TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNING Shults, R., Seitkazina, G., Soltabayeva, S. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS , 2023, 48(5/W2-2023), Р. 105–110
GENERALIZATION OF BIM MODEL FOR PURPOSES OF FACILITY MANAGEMENT Dlesk, A., Vach, K., Shults, R., Doubrava, P. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archivesthis link is disabled, 2022, 43(B4-2022), Р. 309–314
THE CAPABILITIES OF 3D GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DECISION-SUPPORT PROCESS FOR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND EMPLOYMENT OF ENGINEERING STRUCTURES Seredovich, V., Vach, K., Shults, R. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS, 2022, 46(5/W1-2022), Р. 217–223
GEOSPATIAL MONITORING OF ENGINEERING STRUCTURES AS A PART OF BIM Shults, R. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archivesthis link is disabled, 2022, 46(5/W1-2022), Р. 225–230
- Войтенко С.П., Шульц Р.В., Самойленко О.М., Адаменко О.В., Терещук О.І., Староверов В.С., Кузьмич О.Й. Інженерна геодезія. Підручник. Чернігів: НУ “Чернігівська політехніка” , 2022, С.700. Дем’яненко та ін. – Київ: КНУБА, 2023. – 25 с.
Участь в атестації наукових кадрів
Член спецради Д 26.056.09 по захисту дисертацій. https://www.knuba.edu.ua/speczializovana-vchena-rada-d-26-056-09/
Наукове керівництво (консультування) здобувача, який одержав документ про присудження наукового ступеня;
Науковий консультант по докторській дисертації Анненкова А.О. на тему «Теорія і практика застосування ГНСС-технологій в задачах геодезичного моніторингу інженерних споруд» 05.24.01 – геодезія, фотограмметрія та картографія. 30.04.2021р
Науковий керівник кандидатських дисертацій Нікітенко К.О. «Моделювання точності геодезичних робіт при проведенні моніторингу на стадії експлуатації магістрального газопровод » 05.24.01 – геодезія, фотограмметрія та картографія 30.04.2021р
Член редколегії збірника:
- Certified Photogrammetrist (2020). American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, US.
- IBM Data Science Professional Certificate (What is Data Science? / Tools for Data Science / Data Science Methodology / Python for Data Science and AI). A non-credit course authorized by IBM and offered through Coursera. Course Certificates.
- Data Science Fundamentals (Intro to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining / Predictive Modeling, Model Fitting, and Regression Analysis / Cluster Analysis, Association Mining, and Model Evaluation / Natural Language Processing and Capstone Assignment). A non-credit course authorized by University of California, Irvine and offered through Coursera. Course Certificate.
- Practical Data Science with MATLAB (Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB). A non-credit course authorized by MathWorks and offered through Coursera. Course Certificate.
- Data Analyst with R. (Introduction to R / Intermediate R / Introduction to the Tidyverse / Data Manipulation with dplyr). Certificate of Accomplishment, 2020, DataCamp
- Introduction to Maps in R Shiny and Leaflet. Certificate of Achievement, 2020, Geo University.
- GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Analysis Specialization (Introduction to GIS Mapping / GIS Data Acquisition and Map Design). A non-credit courses authorized by the University of Toronto and offered through Coursera. Course Certificates.
- Spatial Data Science and Applications. A non-credit course authorized by Yonsei University and offered through Coursera. Course Certificate.
- Drones for Agriculture: Prepare and Design Your Drone (UAV) Mission. A course of study offered by WageningenX, an online learning initiative of Wageningen University & Research. Verified Certificate of Achievement, 2020
- Philosophy of Science for Engineers and Scientists. A course of study offered by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Verified Certificate of Achievement, 2020
- Introduction to Deep Earth Science. A course of study offered by the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Verified Certificate of Achievement, 2020
- Earthquake Seismology. A course of study offered by University Federico II of Naples. Verified Certificate of Achievement, 2020