Formatting requirements

Dear participants!
If you plan to participate in the conference, please complete the following:
1. Fill out and send the conference participant questionnaire by e-mail:
Full Name______________________________________________
Scientific degree, academic title______________________________
Place of work, position_____________________________________
E-mail; Contact phone number_______________________________
Date and time of arrival and departure__________________________
I plan to: publish an article and receive a collection
deliver a report
to present an exposition of their developments
2. List the organizational contribution in the amount of: 300 hryvnias for citizens of Ukraine; 50 euros for citizens of other countries. This amount will be transferred to the account of the Charitable Organization “KNUBCA Development Fund” and will be used to pay for the publication of conference materials, provide each participant with a set of theses of reports and scientific works, souvenir products, organization of coffee breaks, as well as for technical support of the conference. Approximate cost of accommodation and food – 700 UAH per day.
3. Email paper abstracts, article and speech presentation for publication. The volume of theses is 0.05-0.1 author sheet (2-4 thousand printed characters), text without annotation, tables, figures, formulas and references to literature. Information about the authors is provided in full.
Languages Of The Conference: Ukrainian, English.
Depending on the topic, the article will be published in one of the scientific and technical collections included in the List of scientific and specialized publications of Ukraine (category “B”): “Ventilation, lighting and heat and gas supply”, ” Problems of water supply, drainage and hydraulics”, “Ecological safety and nature management “, “Gas, water and Sanitary Technology” Materials for publication should be sent to e-mail: as an attached file. Each participant of the conference (if desired) will receive a certificate.
Important dates
Acceptance of applications – until November 1, 2024 on e-mail:
Acceptance of articles and abstracts – until November 10, 2024 on e-mail:
Receiving contributions – until November 12, 2024. Одержувач: Благодійна організація «Фонд розвитку Київського національного університету будівництва та архітектури (КНУБА)»;
ЄДРПОУ: 38675230; МФО: 320649; ПАТ КБ «Приватбанк»
р/р UA863052990000026009035020297
Призначення платежу “Добровільне пожертвування для виконання статутних задач”.
Kyiv, Povitrianykh Syl, 31, KNUCA, 466