
Abstracts of the reports will be published in a separate collection together with other materials of the forum.

Abstracts must be written in Ukrainian,  English or EU languages.

The length of the manuscript is 1-2 pages (up to 2000 characters).

Layout in A4 format of the text editor MS Word (.doc, .docx) font Times New Roman, size 14; 1.0 line spacing; all margins 20 mm.

 Structure: UDC;  title of the report; Names of authors, their scientific degree; main text.

Transposition of words is not allowed. The manuscript must be carefully edited and agreed upon by all authors.

The organizing committee has the right to reject theses for publication in case of inconsistency with the design and subject matter and the purpose of the conference.

For students abstracts  must be checked and agreed by the academic supervisor.

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