International Scientific – Technical Forum “Architecture, Design and Construction: Innovative technologies”


Organizing Committee

Scientific Committee

Abstracts publication


Deadlines & Fees




We invite you to participate in the
International Scientific – Technical Forum 
“Architecture, Design and Construction: Innovative technologies

 which will be held 16-17 October 2024 
in Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA).

The forum main mission is to facilitate the exchange of experiences among scientists and professionals in addressing pressing issues in the fields of architecture, construction, and design. This exchange of knowledge is intended to occur at both the state and commercial levels, particularly in relation to the challenges posed by martial law. As part of the forum’s activities, various thematic conferences will be organized to comprehensively address and integrate the diverse topics under discussion. This will help establish a comprehensive socio-cultural, political, social, scientific, and technical framework for interaction between scientists and practitioners from around the world.

The forum will be held remotely on the ZOOM platform. 

Information about the conferences :

Х International Scientific and Technical Conference
“Architecture of historical Kyiv. Synergy of architecture and design“.

Topics of the conference:

  • Ukraine in the EU – communication of science, education and technology
  • BIM in the EU and Ukraine for state reconstruction programs
  • State regulation of architecture and design industries
  • Cultural heritage, restoration of architectural monuments
  • Design and art: the challenge of our time

IX International Scientific and Technical Conference “Effective Technologies in Construction“

Topics of the conference:

  • Ukraine in the EU – efficient technologies in construction
  • Cognitive technologies
  • Sustainable construction, energy saving and ecology
  • BIM in construction and operation
  • Technology and mechanization of construction
  • Organization of construction
  • Reconstruction and restoration of buildings and structures
  • Strategy of innovative development of the construction industry of Ukraine
  • Humanitarian approach in construction and repair

XInternational Scientific and Technical Conference “New Technologies in Construction“

Topics of the conference:

  • Ukraine in the EU – new technologies in construction
  • Organization of geodetic monitoring of buildings and structures
  • Temporary strengthening of emergency facilities damaged as a result of off-project impacts
  • Design features of dismantling and demolition of buildings and structures, including those damaged as a result of off-project impacts
  • Waste management from dismantling and demolition of buildings and structures
  • Prospects for the development of the regulatory framework in construction
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